Caring for our environment has long been our purpose. We are at a critical point in history where we need to reevaluate our relationship with nature if we are to address the potentially irreversible effects of climate change on people and nature. At Ground Control we create, maintain and sustain environments to help our customers mitigate against climate change and adapt to the consequences it could have, such as increased extreme weather events, flooding and pests.

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do and we are focusing of four key areas where we feel we can make a difference.

These are:

  • Delivering biodiversity enhancements
  • Achieving carbon net zero
  • Sourcing and using materials responsibly
  • Delivering social value in the communities where we work.

Our people are core to the delivery of our sustainability focus areas, so we are concentrating our efforts on ensuring they are the best they can be.


Ground Control shortlisted at the Unseen Business Awards 

Shortlisted for the ‘Business Impact Award’ for preventing modern slavery within their operations and supply chains and ‘Unseen Star of the Year’

Liebherr R920 joins the Ground Control RRV rail to road vegetation management fleet

Pioneering UK infrastructure maintenance as we deploy the latest, on-track-plant machinery.

Arboriculture awareness courses. Continuing professional excellence

Ground Control, in its continued support and development of staff, once again arranged arboriculture awareness training for managers whom manage services in the infrastructure division.

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