We are onboard the Railway Mental Health Charter

Ground Control is now a member of the Railway Mental Health Charter (RMHC).
The RMHC is a proposed framework, delivered through key action steps, that have been formed to lead, advise, and underpin organisational efforts to create awareness, support positive mental health, provide access to support services, and reduce stigma in the workplace.
The charter and its actions have been developed with the understanding that different companies in the industry may present different levels of maturity in mental health management.
Mental health well-being is a priority for Ground Control as an employer that aims to put people at the heart of everything. As a principal contractor for Network Rail, a significant proportion of our employees are from the rail sector.
Austin Brown, Infrastructure Director, Ground Control
The charter will be reviewed yearly, in light of feedback from the industry and good practice, ensuring learning is shared and adaptions are made to respond to changing industry needs. An organisation's progress in the RMHC actions will be self-measured on an action planner.

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